Permits and Reports

- Applications for permits with the Air Pollution Control Program, including Permits to Construct for new or modified equipment, Title V Operating Permits (Part 70, Intermediate, or Basic Operating Permits), and Relocation Requests for portable plants
- Applications for National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits with the Water Pollution Control Program, including general permits, individual permits, and "no discharge" permits
- Applications for permits with the Land Reclamation Program, including permit renewals, amendments, and expansions
- Emission Inventory Questionnaires--due annually by April 1 (or May 1 if completed online)
- Recordkeeping required by Permits to Construct or Operating Permits
- Tier Two reports of chemical storage for submission to state and local emergency management--due annually by March 1
- Toxic Release Inventory reports (Form R and Form A)--due annually by July 1
- Quarterly and annual storm water and waste water monitoring reports--due 28 days after the end of each quarter
- Hazardous Waste Generators reports--due annually by August 14
- Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports for power plants